Supercharge Your Family’s Quality of Life Today

These workshops are created to be quick wins so you don’t need a lot of time (most are 30-60 minutes), and you get lifetime access!


A worry-free school year starts with a thorough school allergy plan, and you'll need to do it EVERY year. This template created by a 16-year food allergy mom & 6-year Food Allergy Coach is your tool for success.


The Food Allergy Travel Mentorship Discover how to make allergy-friendly travel fun and easy, without sacrificing safety. You’ll discover powerful practical knowledge we’ve learned after traveling worldwide with multiple severe food allergies. We’re sharing what we learned the hard way so you don’t have to!


For food allergy parents whose doctor has given them the ok to introduce foods or allergens at home, but they're terrified. This on-demand workshop will take the fear away in under an hour so you can safely and calmly introduce new foods without getting nauseous just thinking about it.


This on-demand workshop will help you get people to understand how serious food allergies are so you can finally enjoy get-togethers and keep your child safe, instead of stressing about events for days.


Seconds count during a severe allergic reaction. Where's your life-saving epinephrine? In this 1-hour workshop, you'll empower your child to consistently carry their epinephrine injector and you'll help them feel confident using it too.


Take this 1-hour workshop to learn my BEST strategies to make dining out safer and easier for your family so you can have the choice when you desperately need a break or family and friends invite you out.


The 90-Minute Variety Booster includes weeks of allergy-friendly meal ideas for parents who manage the top 9 allergens, and especially milk & egg allergies. You’ll get quick ways to increase variety and easily feed your family allergy-friendly foods every single night. This recipe & training bundle includes the Weeknight Allergy Buster recipe ebook, and SO MUCH MORE!

Weeknight Allergy Buster Recipe Ebook *NOTE - this is the same ebook available in The 90-Minute Variety Booster bundle.

Weeknight Allergy Buster Recipe Ebook

*NOTE - this is the same ebook available in The 90-Minute Variety Booster bundle. It’s a better deal to buy it with the bundle, so I no longer sell it by itself.


These are our family’s favorite products (affiliate links):

Lauren's Hope Medical ID

I love the epinephrine cases (both Auvi-Q/Allerject and EpiPen) and allergy lunch bags made by Allermates. Check out their colourful and fun stock for kids here.


Before you go, grab one of these helpful, free tools!


*This page contains affiliate links - this means that if you chose to buy using this link, I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support of my blog!