Top 8 Allergy-Free Green Smoothies For Kids!

Top 8 Allergy-Free Green Smoothies For Kids!

(Dairy-Free, Egg-Free, Wheat-Free and Top 8 Allergy-Free)

Hey there, I’m Corinna!

I help severe food allergy moms keep their kids safe while living a normal life at home, school, at social events, and while traveling. I believe that food allergy families and kids deserve delicious meals and safe & fulfilling life experiences!

If you believe this too, make sure to sign up for my free top allergy-friendly recipe ebook. You’ll get 5 days of top 8 allergen-free recipes that kids love (including breakfast, snacks and dinner) PLUS I’ll keep you in the loop about everything that’s going on in my community and ways to connect with hundreds of other food allergy mamas like you! Hope to see you there!

Now let’s get to that top 8 allergy-free breakfast smoothie for kids recipe…

We’re all trying to get a few more veggies into our kid’s diets, AmIRight?? I’ve found the perfect way to do it without worrying about allergens!

I call this the Lucky Green Leprechaun smoothie so there’s a fun reason why it’s green. This gets kids to try it. Once they try it, they’re hooked! In fact, as I was making this for the video below my kids couldn’t wait for me to be done so they could enjoy it for a morning snack.

There are low amounts of added sugars and I love how the fibre of the veggies is so satisfying. After enjoying the snack myself at about 10:30, I wasn’t even hungry for lunch until 12:30. This is super surprising for me since I usually eat lunch by 11:30 (even with a snack).

You can get the FULL recipe along with 5 days of meals, snacks and breakfasts in my FREE meal plan.

Watch as I make this easy and delicious allergy-friendly green smoothie recipe here:

Don’t take my word for it. Try this allergy kids breakfast or lunch smoothie for yourself. Your kids will love it!

If you’re feeling like so much is changing that you can’t even think right now, this free 5-day recipe ebook is going to give you 5 days of meals that your family will love. The food decisions are made for you so all you have to do is SHOP using the easy list and cook the meals. This FREE allergy-friendly meal plan is the perfect helper for these times!


This easy, allergy-friendly smoothie recipe is packed full of nutrients, fibre and goodness! It’s low in added sugar and makes a super quick breakfast, snack or lunch (who am I kidding I may have served it for dinner once or twice too).

PLEASE read and SHARE with other food allergy moms and food allergy groups.  Sharing IS a great way to help other food allergy moms, they’ll thank you for it, and so will I!  

Each lunch idea for kids top 8 allergy free smoothie recipe