Lowering Food Allergy Anxiety For Parents

Lowering Food Allergy Anxiety For Parents

Food allergies and parent anxiety seem to go hand-in-hand. In fact, one of the most common things food allergy parents tell me they wish they could do less of is worry; but this comment is quickly followed by an “if that’s even possible” disclaimer.

First, if you can’t seem to shake the food allergy parent anxiety, I want you to know that you’re not alone. Food allergies and anxiety can get the best of you. DO NOT be afraid to reach out for help if you find that it’s overtaking you or your child’s life.

Although I’m a mama who’s learned how to manage food allergies and anxiety, I’m not a mental health professional. If you find that allergy anxiety is decreasing your or your child’s quality of life, get help from a Certified Family Counselor or Psychologist in your area. They can really help with food allergies and anxiety!

If, however, you’re ready to decrease mild food allergy parent anxiety, continue reading for 3 of the top tips!

Hey there, I’m Corinna!

I help severe food allergy parents keep their kids safe and show them it will be ok at school, at social events, and while traveling. I believe that food allergy families and kids deserve safe & fulfilling life experiences, and it’s my goal to help you get there! I’ve managed food allergies and anxiety too.

If you believe this too, make sure to sign up for my free Food Allergy Preschooler’s Empowerment Guide. You’ll get ways to get your preschooler ready to venture out on their own, PLUS I’ll keep you in the loop about the allergy lifestyle workshops I offer and ways to connect with hundreds of other anaphylactic food allergy mamas like you! Hope to see you there!

Good News, Parents! It Is Possible To Lower Food Allergy Anxiety.

First of all, I want you to know that it is ACTUALLY POSSIBLE to lower food allergy anxiety. Not only is it possible, but it’s important.


Because sometimes our anxieties can transfer to our kids. If we transfer our food allergy parent anxiety to our kids, they may get stuck living a life of fear. Instead, we want to empower our food allergy kids to make informed decisions that are based on fact and not fear.

One of the best ways to do this is to model it for them and help them work through scary scenarios in a calm way. You’ll likely find that talking through and modeling fact-based decision-making will lead to many great conversations and talks as your child grows.

This leads me to my first tip…


3 Surprising Tips To Lower Food Allergy Parent Anxiety

Tip #1: Focus on FACTS instead of FEARS.

Our imagination can play a big role in our decisions, but it isn’t always fact-based. Instead, it’s fear-based which will instantly increase anxiety.

Remember that fear is normal and healthy. It can help us when we’re in a dangerous situation and force us to take action that will keep us safe.

But according to Psychology Today, you or your child don’t actually need to be in danger to feel fear. We’ll often fear things just because of what we imagine can happen. Many times what we imagine is the worst-case scenario!

BUT HOW do we focus on FACTS instead of fear?

The first thing is NOT to look for facts on social media. Social media is excellent for support and community but is not always fact-based.

So where then should you look for facts?

One of my favorite fact sources is evidence-based studies that show the real numbers about anaphylaxis and food allergies. Good quality scientific journals are where scientists publish their findings after they complete a study or experiment so they can share what they found. It’s how new research gets shared with other Scientists.

If you want a great place to find evidence-based studies about food allergies, go to peer-reviewed, scientific journals like the ones recommended by the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. This is a great place to start when you’re doing your fact-checking. Just choose “non-member access” and you can start your search for facts!

Tip #2: Change your thoughts around the epinephrine injector and then take it EVERYWHERE.

According to Dr. Ruchi Gupta MD, ACAAI, The fear of the epinephrine auto-injector needle is one of the major factors contributing to elevated anxiety in kids.  

This means that if we want less food allergy anxiety, we need to change our view of the epinephrine injector.  We need to see it as a life-saving helper, or the friend that has you and your child’s back if anaphylaxis were to happen.  

Not only is it important to think of epinephrine positively, but it’s important to always have it WITH you WHERE EVER you go. This is your job if your child is young, but once they’re able to carry it themselves, you can help them get in the habit too (my daughter started around 5-6 years old). 

The benefits of teaching your child to carry their epinephrine early are many, but just knowing there’s a life-saving backup available in the event of anaphylaxis is very comforting and can lower your food allergy anxiety, parents.

You can help your child have a positive mental view of Epinephrine AND help them get in the habit of carrying their auto-injector with my Calm Epinephrine Workshop. In about an hour, you can transform how you and your child feel about epinephrine and create good epinephrine habits too!

Tip #3: Get A Mentor

Being a food allergy parent is rough. Finding someone who has experienced food allergies and anxiety and succeeded can help your perspective and lower your allergy anxiety.

Here’s the power of finding a food allergy mentor.

They’ve been through it and can teach you what they’ve learned so you don’t have to make their mistakes. This is a huge benefit! You can look to them for trusted advice which makes scary life decisions just a little easier.

What to look for in a mentor:

First of all, you want to learn from someone who has managed food allergies and anxiety. Look for someone fact-based, with a positive and helpful attitude. You want someone who’s been through it and although they’re realistic, they’re NOT jaded. This is super important because learning from a jaded teacher can cause anxiety too.

Second, it’s essential that your mentor has years of experience. This is important so that you know they have tested their tips and strategies over many years, not just once or twice! When it comes to a food allergy mentor, experience matters.

If you need a mentor, I’m here for you.

If you want to learn more about me, feel free to follow me on Instagram, or read more of my helpful blogs. I’ve been a food allergy mama for over 16 years and coaching and blogging since 2018. I’ve helped hundreds of food allergy families keep their kids safe and included in my workshops and programs.

You can start right away because I’ve got a series of popular, low-cost workshops, just for you.

Inside these handy lessons, you'll find yourself FULLY equipped with all the life strategies and support you could ever need to make navigating cross-contact at get-togethers, restaurants, and everywhere outside your home easier and less worrisome.

You’ll get access to my best strategies as I guide you through everything you need to step into your food allergy mama identity with confidence while overcoming the food allergy misconceptions you and your child keep battling.

We will increase your confidence, lighten your mental load, and develop your ability to do unimaginable things like travel (yes, you can travel anywhere with one or even MULITPLE allergies), communicate in a way that will help teachers be vigilant, utilize simple & effective techniques that have been proven to keep your child safe & included and prevent reactions like the confident mama you are.

Go here to learn more about the workshops today.

Before you go, don’t forget to sign up for my free guide for empowering your food allergy child so they’re ready for more independence. Not only will you get the guide, but you’ll get weekly FACT-BASED food allergy tips & recipes and I’ll keep you in the loop about important food allergy lifestyle workshops too!


As a parent, dealing with food allergy anxiety can be hard, but it’s important. How we manage food allergies and anxiety can have a HUGE impact on our kids, so lowering food allergy anxiety has to be a priority.

What tip will you try to lower your allergy anxiety?? Share with us in the comments!

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