What To Do When You Feel Food Allergy Mom Resentment

What To Do When You Feel Food Allergy Mom Resentment

Hey there, I’m Corinna!

I help severe food allergy parents keep their kids safe without missing out on life at home, school, at social events, and while traveling. I believe that food allergy families and kids deserve safe & fulfilling life experiences, and it’s my goal to help you get there!

If you believe this too, make sure to sign up for my free Food Allergy Kid’s Empowerment Guide. You’ll get ways to get your preschooler ready for the independence of school, PLUS I’ll keep you in the loop about the allergy lifestyle programs I offer and ways to connect with hundreds of other anaphylactic food allergy mamas like you! Hope to see you there!

What Is Food Allergy Mom Resentment?

First of all, food allergy mom resentment doesn’t just happen to moms. It can happen to food allergy parents, grandparents, kids, and even aunts and uncles. But because I write from my point of view, and I’m a food allergy mom, I’ll talk about it as food allergy mom resentment.

Food allergy mom resentment is that feeling you get when you see everyone else:

  • giving their kids anything at a restaurant without worry.

  • grabbing and unplanned ice cream with their kids whenever they want.

  • throwing groceries in their cart without a second glance at the label.

It’s a deep, disheartening feeling that someone else has an easier life or doesn’t have to worry like you do. I know I’ve felt it, and it’s very, very common. So if you’ve experienced it, don’t worry, you’re not alone!

What Causes Food Allergy Mom Resentment?

To put it simply, food allergy resentment is caused by comparison.

Comparing someone else’s life to your own can make it seem like what they have is better. Unfortunately, you’re only seeing the outside. But let me assure you, EVERYBODY has hard parts to life. Nobody is without hardship, and comparing somebody’s VISIBLE life to your real life is dangerous and misleading.

But what do we do when we inevitably find ourselves making these comparisons? Keep reading…

Quote with the words "food allergy mama, don't forget, comparison leads to resentment" followed by www.friendlypantry.com.

What To Do When You Feel Food Allergy Mom Resentment

Let’s face it, seeing these carefree families and comparing it to our own lives as anaphylactic food allergy parents is really, really hard sometimes.

And it’s ok. We all feel this way at the beginning of the diagnosis and other times too!

But what I don’t want you to do is constantly compare. Yes, acknowledge the truth and mourn it. Let yourself feel sad about it and process it.

BUT then, MOVE on.

You’ve been given this life, and wishing for what others have doesn’t change that. Instead, wishing for what others have causes bitterness and resentment in your heart.

So, I encourage you to put your blinders on. Don’t be tempted to compare. Instead, focus on the amazing family you have and opportunities that are in front of you and within your reach (p.s. that’s what I hope to show you here, positive opportunities that are within reach of severe food allergy moms & families).

Remember, EVERY single person and family has something hard in their lives, we just don’t always know it.

I want to encourage you because I know it’s not easy, but you can do this!

Did you know I have a low-cost series of workshops to help you with some of the biggest food allergy struggles?

Premium Resources:

Food Allergy Travel Workshop - Your source for the safest family food allergy travel!
90-Minute Variety Booster - Your Quick & Easy Way To Get More Allergy-Friendly Variety You & Your Kids Love

Get Others To Take Food Allergies Seriously - Easily get others to take food allergies seriously and help you keep your child safe instead of making you feel like you're being super vigilant for no reason.

Get Over The Fear of Trying New Foods - Feel calm instead of nauseous so you can give your child the new foods your doctor recommended.

Calm Epinephrine Workshop - Help you and your child feel positive about the epinephrine injector so you never hesitate if it’s needed.

Before you go, I have a question for you…

Will you use your POWER as a parent to foster positivity and growth (not comparison and resentment), despite the limitations of food allergies? If so, type a YES in the comments and share this post with other food allergy moms & parents!

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