Unique Non-Edible Halloween Treats That Kids Love

Unique, Non-Edible Halloween Treats That Kids Love

Updated September 2023

Look no further if you want to give away the best and most unique non-edible Halloween treats that kids love as much as candy.

Because guess what?

Non-candy Halloween treat alternatives don’t have to be a downer!

I have a confession to make.  If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you may already know this, but I’m going to come clean.

I've never really liked Halloween.  

I just don’t get excited about dressing up as someone or something else, and I really don’t like the scary, gory aspects either.

How Food Allergies Ruin Halloween

But when I became a food allergy mom, my dislike for Halloween intensified even more.

With food allergies, Halloween meant a lot of exclusion and stress worrying about accidental ingestion of my daughter’s allergens and a serious reaction.

Instead of fun, Halloween means isolation and worry.

Can you relate?

If you have a food allergy kid, I personally invite you to check my other blogs meant specifically for food allergy mamas. You may want to start with this list of the most popular food allergy mom blogs of the year.

I’m passionate about helping food allergy parents keep their kids safe with less worry, so I know you won’t feel so alone in this space.

Just go to the right side of this page and click on a topic that you’re interested in.

Even though I used to have a hard time blogging about Halloween and food allergies, that all changed when I realized that I could inspire people with amazing non-edible Halloween treats!

Which is why I wrote this post.

Why Non-Edible Halloween Treats Are Best

Is it rude to not give out candy on Halloween?

You may be worried if you chose a non-candy Halloween Treat Alternative that it’s rude or not as good as candy.

Now, don’t get me wrong, candy is one of my favorite things, and I know kids love it, but it really does get excessive at Halloween!

And the fact that candy excludes so many kids with medical dietary needs like food allergies, diabetes, celiac and more, it is definitely not rude!

Not to mention that non-edible Halloween treats are a favorite in my book because instead of creating sugar rushes and no sleep, non-candy Halloween treat alternatives are fun, inclusive, and healthier for teeth and bodies.


What to give out on Halloween that is not candy?

We've been doing the Teal Pumpkin Project for about 3 or 4 years now.  

The Teal Pumpkin Project is created specifically to ensure food allergy kids are safe and included on Halloween. If you take part in the Teal Pumpkin Project, you put a teal pumpkin on your step (or a picture of one) to indicate that you have non-candy Halloween treat alternatives. Now food allergy kids and families know that they will be included and safe when they come to your home to trick-or-treat.

A few years ago, I decided to do a bit more research to find a list of the ultimate non-edible Halloween treats to give out for the Teal Pumpkin Project.

And guess what?

What I found did not disappoint, because I had several kids squeal with excitement or yell “look what I got, mom” after getting their non-edible Halloween treat.

Believe me, if you think outside the box, non-edible Halloween treats can be better than candy. So let’s get to that list!

See Examples of The Best Non-Edible Halloween Treats In This Video:

(Keep in mind that the guide I talk about is no longer available, BUT the non-candy Halloween treat alternatives are really awesome!)

The Best Non-Edible Halloween treats

  1. Bookmark-making kits - These cost WAY less than you think and it gives the kids a craft AND a bookmark. Two for the price of one (low-cost) treat. What a win! Watch the video for ideas of how to do this without breaking the bank.

  2. Spider-making kits - Again, its low cost and a great activity AND toy. The video shows you how to do it easily.

  3. Yoyos - Who doesn’t like a yoyo? This toy is a classic for a reason; kids love it! You can get low-cost ones at your local Dollar Store OR watch the video for a cool twist on the regular yoyo that I found at Party City.

  4. Glow Sticks - You just can’t go wrong with glow sticks. In past years when I’ve had a mix of glow sticks and candy I’ve had many non-allergy kids ask for the glow sticks at the door instead of candy. Now that’s a way to make allergy kids feel special!

  5. Themed Straws - I love the idea of a reusable straw, a win for the environment and a win for kids who love to use them!

  6. Themed Erasers - My kids love using different erasers. This allows you to actually USE the treat instead of tossing it within days.

  7. Bubbles - What kid doesn’t like blowing bubbles? It can be a great way to get the kids outside throughout the fall and winter!

  8. Maze Games - Find these at your local party or Dollar Store since they’re usually used as birthday treat gifts. These games have been known to keep my kids off screens and playing for hours!

What about you?  What non-edible Halloween treats do you give out?  Share in the comments below. The more non-candy Halloween treat alternative ideas we have, the better!

The Best Teal Pumpkin Project Ideas-of-non-edible-Halloween-treats