2 Easy Steps To Get Teachers To Pay Attention To Food Allergies When They're Stretched Too Thin

2 Easy Steps To Get Teachers To Pay Attention To Food Allergies When They’re Stretched Too Thin

Increase Food Allergy Awareness At School!

I’ve got 2 EASY steps to get teachers to pay attention to food allergies when they’re stretched too thin.

Step 1: Send a simple email that 💥GETS THEIR ATTENTION💥

Focus on why it’s important TO THEM. I know that teachers love kids and would NEVER want harm to come to them, but by focusing on how allergies relate to them, they will be even more dialed in. For example, think about why they want to ensure your child is safe. Can you find some stats about food allergies at school that will help them want to become more aware? If you can relate allergy information to them personally, you’ll get their attention and they’ll be even more cooperative.

Step 2: Meet with the school/teacher.

Make sure you're organized, concise & don't forget anything important. This is your chance to set the stage for the whole school year. What you talk about at this meeting will not only help your food allergy child feel included and safe but it’s also your chance to ensure your teacher understands exactly how serious food allergies are and how to keep your child safe.

If you get this meeting right, you’ll get better communication from your teacher, and you’ll be confident the teacher takes food allergies seriously and won’t forget something important. For the rest of the year, you’ll be able to drop your child off knowing they are safe without worrying all day.

Sound good? If so, then I have something to help.

You can spend less than an hour prepping for this important meeting using my school food allergy meeting template. It’s included in my program, The Food Allergy Lifestyle Formula.

Make Your Food Allergy School Meeting Easy….

If your little is going to daycare/preschool/elementary school, make sure to check out my program - The Food Allergy Lifestyle Formula - Smart Ways To Restrict Allergens and Worry, NOT Childhood Experiences. Or you can buy my school allergy template on it’s own. This template will save you hours and hours of research and get rid of worry about school.


Lauren's Hope Medical ID


The teachers are busy! But you need them to pay attention to food allergies so your little is safe and included this year. Find out how in this quick blog post.

PLEASE read and SHARE with other food allergy moms.  Sharing IS a great way to help other food allergy moms. They’ll thank you for it, and so will I!  

Check out these other posts about severe food allergies at school:

8 Essential School Supplies To Keep Your Food Allergy Child Safe At School

What Is A School Allergy Plan And Do I Need One?

3 Mistakes I Made When My Kids Started School With Food Allergies

Crucial Questions To Ask Your Preschool OR Daycare About Food Allergies Before Enrolling Your Child

Newly Diagnosed with Food Allergies