3 Huge Time-Savers For Moms of Food Allergy Kids

3 Huge Time-Savers For Moms of Food Allergy Kids

Hey there, I’m Corinna!

I help severe food allergy parents keep their kids safe without missing out on life at home, school, at social events, and while traveling. I believe that food allergy families and kids deserve safe & fulfilling life experiences, and it’s my goal to help you get there!

If you believe this too, make sure to sign up for my free Food Allergy Kid’s Empowerment Guide. You’ll get ways to get your preschooler ready for the independence of school, PLUS I’ll keep you in the loop about the allergy lifestyle programs I offer and ways to connect with hundreds of other anaphylactic food allergy mamas like you! Hope to see you there!

3 Huge Time-Savers for Moms & Dads of Food Allergy Kids

Food allergy moms & dads have a lot to do. With all the label-reading, safety checking, event emails and meal prep, you are some of the busiest parents there are. Saving time can become an essential part of life. I’ve got 3 HUGE time-savers for moms & dads of food allergy kids that will help you become more efficient so you can keep your food allergy kid safe, and still have time to spare.

  1. Don’t Go Down The Research Rabbit Hole.

    This is easier said than done, am I right? We all want the BEST for our kids and when we’re new to allergies, we can feel like research is essential. But, you don’t have to get caught in the rabbit hole!

    Here’s how: First, find evidence-based research sites like Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) and/or Food Allergy Canada. You’ll find everything you need to know about cross-contact, allergy safety, and facts.

    THEN, find a great blogger who bases all of their information on these proven facts. You’re looking for someone who helps you take the facts and turn them into PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE that you can use daily. Practical knowledge helps make your life easier with tips that save time, reduce stress, and help keep your child safe. I recommend someone who’s been there and done that for many years so you know you’re getting tips that work!

    *Spoiler alert* You’ve already FOUND this blogger!! I focus on sharing practical knowledge based on facts from 16 years of experience. You can trust my tips to make your life as a food allergy mom easier, less stressful and of course, less time-consuming!

  2. Avoid Facebook Groups.

    Not all Facebook groups are bad. They can be very helpful in gaining practical knowledge. The problem is that some groups focus on scary reaction pictures, negative comments about others, and drama. These types of posts can suck us in and be a HUGE time-waster! The unfortunate thing is that they don’t offer real help, but instead make it hard to “pull our eyes away” which can mean a negative mindset AND hours and hours wasted. There’s already enough stress and real anxiety associated with food allergies to add more. Besides, we’re trying to save time, right?

    If you choose to hang out in a Facebook group, look for supportive, positive and healthy. Ask yourself if what you’re reading is helping you or is it meaningless. Are you coming away feeling negative or encouraged? Your time is too precious to be spending time on anything less than a positive, helpful group that encourages you to feel confident instead of insecure. Don’t settle for anything less! If you’re not getting that, leave the group because you’ll be wasting a lot of precious time.

    I highly recommend you join me on Instagram (@friendlypantry) for the non-judgemental, positive encouragement you’ll find there.

  3. Avoid Re-Doing Work You’ve Already Done.

One of the biggest time-savers for moms & dads of food allergy kids includes finding ways to re-use your work. Many parents know that they’re doing something over and over, but they don’t realize how easy it is to fix!

For example, when your family gets invited to an event OR your child gets invited to a playdate, what’s the first thing you do? Write a text or an email talking about food allergies, right? Well, if you’re doing it ALL THE TIME, why not turn your best response into a template you can reuse over and over, INSTEAD of re-writing it every time?

This can also be true of many other food allergy tasks. Can you think of a few things that you do often? If you’re doing it often, then it’s worthy of a template that you can reuse over and over. I few that I’ve created templates for are: meal planning, teacher meetings, and event invites. I challenge you to think about it, what can you turn into a template today?

3 HUGE Timesavers for Moms of Food Allergy Kids


With these 3 huge time-savers for moms & dads of food allergy kids, you have the power to save hours and hours of time. I’d love to know what you’ll try first. Let me know in the comments!

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